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Around the year 1302, Gautier de Bruges, bishop of Poitiers, produced a pouillé of his diocese, which forms the seventh section of a cartulary of the bishopric of Poitiers, known under the name of Grand-Gauthier, which is now preserved in the library of Poitiers.

M. Beauchet-Filleau drew from this pouillé all the articles relating to the benefices included in the territory which today forms the diocese of Poitiers; he supplemented them by very abundant and very varied information which he borrowed, either from charters prior to the 14th century, or from more recent documents, such as the account of the apostolic chamber of the year 1326 (ms. Latin 9934 of the Bibl. Nat.), the role of the decimals of the year 1383 (Archives de la Vienne), and several roles, minutes of visits and modern pouillés.

There is thus in the book written by M. Beauchet-Filleau a very complete historical statistic of all the old religious establishments of the current diocese of Poitiers. M. Beauchet-Filleau began by giving a complete list of the parishes of the diocese of Poitiers, as found in the old pouillé; moreover, he very clearly indicated the portions of the old diocese which were dismembered by John XXII to form the dioceses of Luçon and Maillezais.

Thus, the Pouillé of the diocese of Poitiers constitutes a good work of historical geography, which links well with the Pouillé of the bishopric of Luçon, published a few years ago by Abbé Aillery.


(Pouillé du diocèse de Poitiers, par H. Beauchet-Filleau. Niort, L. Clouzot, et Poitiers, Oudin, 1869, in-4° de XLIV et 515 p.)
